CX ... Customer Experience
CX is the latest trend in building and retaining business for 2024. In fact, a company, who reserves time and budgeting to update their customer service standards and personalize each encounter, is 58 percent more likely to retain customers and 23 times more likely to acquire new business.
CX Component Explanation
1. Context: What is a customer's location, physical environment, mental and emotional state when interacting with your brand?
2. Customer Action: Does your business model follow, track and adjust strategies to make a CX smooth, helpful, easy to navigate,
simple to get quick answers, follow-up if they're just thinking about the product or service ... put yourself in the customer's shoes?
3. Channels: How does a customer see and access your brand? Do you have various channels that cater to a customer's overall
experience, which are trackable, interchangeable, manageable, consistent and user friendly?
4. Transitions: How do you handle transitions, whether a customer is seeking your brand for the first time OR you are trying to retain a
client, who has had (or not) a good CX with your brand previously? Transition scenarios may be few or many, therefore, it's wise to
cover as much transitional territory to retain existing clients, gain new ones and stay competitive.
5. Journeys: Learning about each customer's journey with your brand is invaluable.This information can shape a CX, while helping you
boost your bottom line and gain/retain customers. CX is a must for a business to stay competitive and survive in 2024 and beyond.
Now that you have ITCs secrets and suggestions, you can hopefully look at your present CX business model and know how and where to make improvements for added success in 2024. ​